It was too obvious for the courts to rush into a fraudulent order to commit me so
they waited a little while to make the process seem legal and not so obvious to onlookers.
Secondly, they squeezed me for information on my private business dealings
to pretend as if I wouldn't have a chance at sanity should I not reveal all my trade secrets.
This process is called milking the cow. You force the person to exploit what would normally be considered private sales, trade, equitable, evolutionary enterprise undertakings in order to PROVE their sanity or stability, however in the meantime the information is stolen to share with more prominent investors and utilized as their own original business ventures.
The courts pressed and pressed for a GAL to fraudulently remove my freedoms of speech and rights to be taken seriously as a human being but as stated above, this move would make the fraudulent process too obvious and raise red flags to CIVIL RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS.
So they then, ordered what was their last opportunity to dig into or get their feet wet in the cracks of my personal business or intimate relationships. They ordered an:
"Investigative Report" by a GAL. Basicly the wording was different, however in order to make appointing a GAL legal in my case the particular words "investigative report" was utilized.
Because my paperwork stated I, a
person of color
not on welfare
not a prostitute
not a dope attack
not depressed
not crazy
not stealing
regardless of the harsh situations inflicted upon myself and my children's lives
was scheduled prior to their bamboozling into my life
to receive several degrees from highly reputable universities simultaneously
with two beautiful young children.
So the actual investigation was supposed to challenge or confirm my dealing with
all of the goals I had in my annual itinerary.
Who ever challenges a person's goals. Give me a fricken break!! This is the most absurb
indecency I've ever witnessed. Just insane.
So basicly the victory on their part is as follows:
The goal was to get the "GAL" to call every single business, career, or personal contacts I hold positive relationships with and then do the following in a pitiful type voice...
"Hi...I'm the GAL in the DEPENDENCY court, and I have been assigned to act on Rachel's behalf. You shouldn't complete this business contract with her because she (it's illegal for them to lie, however suggestive presentation and abuse of authority is the key) is not in her good state of mind right now...
Or utilize your imagination and just picture how pitiful she was sounding as she worked her meazly little smile down the list of contacts I presented to them to prove my stability, rather they backstabbed me and utilized the contacts information not only to form their own contacts that some are never able to or don't have the nack for stabilizing in the first place, but to ruin
any or all of my business and personal relationships.
Then you know even if Robles' false report initiated the entire agenda, the rolling off of the tongue with the pitiful words of ,
Well, she is not capable of conducting business. So the home that she just signed paperwork to purchase worth $1,125,000.00 you should just disregard this and really not do business with her.
So here I am calling the Agent back, and he tells me of course I'm strongly intuitive therefore I already knew this would happen to a particular extent, but the joy comes from EXPOSING WHAT THEY ARE DOING!!!
Then calmly watching their joy in ruining other peoples lives. Maybe I can teach others something worthwhile.
The agent then states, someone from DSHS called and said I should disregard any business I had been conducting with you.
Does she realize this is illegal?
So now she's probably worked her way down the list and I'm assuming she's reached the following:
Then National Science Foundation
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
My Grantwriting Contacts and all the clients in which I built business with to
recently establish my career.
and then she will or they will go have coffee and pass on all the information
to their grandkids who just had children so they may utilize the channels
I have provided to the courts to prove my stability for my own family
and they'll use it to act as if they've worked hard as I have to get where they are.
In the meantime, they'll now try to commit me from all corners because now everyone
involved has something to lose in the positions they are in.
I can picture her pitiful voice now...
I'm so sorry, the business relationship she has worked years to establish with your company
was all apart of her imagination.
She is really depressed and her kids were taken into custody
She is probably just trying to cope with her situation
because it's really hard being alone and without her kids
She probably is way in over her head and she just is acting out of pure insanity.
Please disregard her good faith efforts to accommodate you as a client
By the way.....I have a cousin who works in the same field, he graduated from Yale
and my grandson graduated from Harvard, and my husband is a professor at the UW,
they could help recover your accounts if you'd like.
I don't think she'll be in a position to do so.
Can you imagine that?
People are ruthless.
Rachel SAKHI Attorney of NASA Journey to Poverello House
The Neverland Institute of Naturopathic Medicine (Distance Education University), Hal Jackson's Talented Teens, & Rachel SAKHI Attorney of NASA Journey to Poverello House
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Friday, March 16, 2007
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