"HOW WOULD YOU FEEL if it were you standing on the auction block? What range of emotions would flood your mind and you soul?
How would you feel as traders handled you, examined every inch of your body, made you strip, or dance, or guaged your worth by the number of children you could sire or bear? What could alter your fate? Would your earnest tears be enoiugh to soften a slave trader's heart? Would passionate pleas from you or your loved ones bring mercy from one whose job it is to sell humans? Would you attempt to run or rebel?
Or would you stand bravely hoping against all odds and promising loved ones that you would come back for them, knowing deep inside that you could not?"
"Ancient Times, Ancient Techniques. Modern Times, Modern Techniques" - RLG
"The auction ripped at the hearts of those enslved more than anything--even death. Death was natural, men and women being sold like cattle was not. Captains and slave traders could be a hardened, unscrupulo9us lot. They stopped at nothing to make a sale. In the Islands, as the ship neared shore, captains began the process of making my ancestors ready for buyers.
The fed them fattening foods, oiled their bodies, pulled out gray hairs and gave them tobacco to enliven their spirits. They devised methods for hiding diseases that could adversely affect a price. Yaws could be concealed by a mixture of iron rust and gunpowder; the bloody flux by plugging up the anuses of infected slaves.
African people were sold by various methods. In the West Indies, buyers favored "the scramble." Here, the captives sold for an equal price which was agreed upon prior to the sale at the port. At the sound of a drum or gun, buyers broke through the doors of the barricade in a mad scramble for the "pick of the lot."
Many slaves, frightened by the onslaught, jumped overboard or climbed the fences in vain attempts to escape. Rejected Africans, those too debilitated to fetch a full price, were taken to taverns and sold for a few dollars. Africans so sickly that no one wanted them were left on the warf to die.
In the United States, the auction became the primary method of sale. Africans were placed on an auction block, paraded before buyers and struck off to the highest bidder. Buyers peered into my ancestors' mouths, prodded their limbs, examined their most intimate parts, and, if necessary, SEPERATED FAMILY MEMBERS in their search for the "ideal" slave. An African skilled as carpenter, tanner, horse trainer, brick layer, or such, could sell for $1,000.00-- several hundred dollars more than an ordinary field hand.
A woman who could cook or sew, bear children, or serve as a wet nurse was far more valuable than one lacking these "qualitites." Mulatto women were always valued; runaways and the old were sold at a loss. "
"Ancient Times, Ancient Techniques. Modern Times, Modern Techniques." - RLG
So imagine whether an AUCTION IN ANCIENT TIMES or THE "CPS" AND "ACES" (modern day slave trade system) TRACKING SYSTEM IN MODERN TIMES...
"Imagine, if you will, the sound of bidding, the tears of those as they are torn from their families."
Just as with the "CPS" system the workers call you and say...(after a false report or SLAVE INTEREST was referred unjustifiably)
Your son is very dissapointed in you, you made him cry... she's just playing the reverse pscyhological confidence game.
It's called your the slave, we take the little slaves we like and you can't do sh*t about it.
Then we'll torture the kids while you watch, and make them cry after seperation anxiety and coach them
to make it seem as if it's all your fault.
eventually according to laws (because the only way to protect form slave trade are the laws guaranteeing your COMPETENCE, FREEDOM OF SPEECH, AND LIBERTIES) however, should they manufacture evidence against to make you look crazy this is called ...
"Ancient Times, Ancient Techniques. Modern Times, Modern Techniques." RLG
The story exerpts are quoted from the book
"Lest We Forget" by Velma Maia Thomas.
A three dimensional interactive book with photographs and documents
from the Black Holocaust Exhibit.
The add-ins were opinions of the blog author, me.
Rachel SAKHI Attorney of NASA Journey to Poverello House
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- Ancient Times, Ancient Techniques. Modern Times, Modern Techniques.
- Blog Coming Soon - Topics & Evidence on Examples of how women, men, and children are stalked, harassed, isolated, kidnapped and traded in Human Trafficking for purposes of humiliation, degradation, racism, etc.
Friday, March 30, 2007
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