My number one sweet pumpkin pie
you know you are the apple of my eye
Remember the songs that mommy sang
to you and big brother before they came.
I remember the tears in your eyes
and Jordan my trooper
no need for despair
we've endured enough to make mountains in heaven
Just remember...
You just gotta keep the faith
you can't let them tear you down
you just hold your head up high
We just won't let nobody tear us down.
You just gotta keep the faith
you can't let them tear you down...
you just gotta hold your head up hight
You can't let nobody tear you down.
You just gotta keep the faith
you can't let them tear you down.
You just hold your head up high...
We won't let nobody tear us down.
Hunny you just keep the faith
you can feel the faith moving right now
You just gotta keep the faith
You can feel the faith moving you right now.
You just gotta keep the faith...
We won't let nobody tear us down.
You remember hold your head up high,
You just go and hold your head up high...
You just gotta hold your head up high
We just won't let nobody tear us down.
Saana you just keep your faith
Baby you just keep your faith
Hunny you just keep your faith
You can't let nobody tear you down
You just baby, hold your head up high
We can feel the faith moving in us right now
Baby you convey your thoughts right now
We won't let nobody tear us down.
Jordan you can feel the faith right now
Baby you can feel the faith right now
Jordan you can feel the faith right now
We won't let nobody tear us down.
We are gonna keep the faith,
We're just gonna keep our faith
We're just gonna keep the faith
We won't let nobody tear us down.
They can feel our faith right now,
babies they can feel it moving them now...
Hunny they can feel our faith right now
Nothings gonna stop it now...
The faith is moving through them now,
Hunny they can feel our faith right now.
They can feel our faith right now,
nothing can stop the faith right now.
Jordan you can feel mommy with you right now,
you just hold your head up right now.
Saana you can feel mommy with you right now,
Nothing cannot stop the faith right now,
Babies you just hold your heads up high
you can feel the faith right now
Saana you can feel the faith right now
Jordan you can feel the faith right now
They can feel our faith right now...
Babies they can feel our faith right now
Everyone can feel our faith right now...
Hunny you just hold your head up right now
God can hold you right now
Saana you just hold your head up right now
God can hold you right now
Mommy's gonna hold her head up right now
God can hold your Mommy right now...
You just be with Mommy right now...
nothing can stop our faith right now.
So babies listen....
Softly ....
you can feel Mommy with you right now,
We are together right now
Nothing can get our faith down right now,
Nothing's gonna stop our faith right now.
So hunnies you just keep your faith
We won't let them get us down
You just gotta keep your faith,
nothings gonna bring us down....
Thanks for the messages babies! I love you.
For tonight...
Lay your head, down to bed
and let your slumber sweep your cares away
And in your dreams
chase moon beams
all the way across the milky way...
and as you rest in the nest that mommy's made for you
I'll caress, and keep you blessed
never alone for the whole night through...
Go to sleep...don't you weep...Mommy will,
be right here waiting for you.
And in your dreams...chase moon beams
all the way across the milky way.
Jordan.... just for you sweetie pie
Hush little baby dont you cry
Mommy's gonna be right by your side
Hush little sweetheart dont say a word
Mommy's gonna buy you a mockin bird
and if that mockingbird don't sing
Mommy's gonna buy you a diamond ring
if that diamond ring don't last,
Mama's gonna buy you a looking glass...
If that lookin glass get's broke
Mommy's gonna buy you a billy goat...
If that billy goat runs away
Mama's gonna buy you one that won't go astray...
So hush little sweetheart don't you weep
cuz mama's gonna be right there while you sleep
and hush little munchkin don't you cry
mama's gonna be right by your side.
Night-Night sweet pea... I love you!
Tengo layo
ven burriquito ven
tengo layo
ven burriquito ven
burrito ve lez
de mento tambien
mi burro ven eh mi burro va
burrito ve lez de mento tambien
mi burro ven eh mi burro va!
De colores
De colores
en la paharitas de quienen de a fuera
i por eso los grandes
a mores de muchos
colores me gustan a mi
I por eso los grandes amorres
de muchos colores
me gustan a mi.
So tapping into my family now....
Quietly listen sweet peas...
It's not gonna last much longer
remember Mommy's got your BACK!!!!
Keep this in mind.
God is My Superior, and he controls everything
I am your protectress, and I will pray as much as possible
to assure the justice of our family.
I know you can feel Mommy's presence right now
just as you have since NOVEMBER 16, 2006
It's not Mommy putting you through this...
It is the people who took you fraudulently.
So we just gotta keep the faith...
we won't let them tear us down
you just go and hold your heads up high
We won't let nobody tear us down
You just gotta keep the faith
We won't let them tear us down
Jordan just hold your head up high
Saana just hold your head up high
We won't let nobody tear us down.
Bismillah ir Rahman Ir Rahim A uzu Billahi Minash Shaytanir Rajim.
A uzu billahi minash shaytanir rajim
A uzu billahi minash shaytanir rajim
Subhan Allah alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar.
Jordan, hunny remember the story of Babaji, Mamaji, and Papaji.
The tigers wanted everything sweethearts.
The big greedy tigers wanted the shoes even when they only fit him on his ears
The tigers wanted the umbrella even through he could only hold it with his nasty tale.
The tigers wanted the coat, although it could only fit uncomfortably.
The tigers greedily fought and fought over everything even if it was really of no value to them,
however they achieved the ultimate success of griping the absolute loudest over who had
did the worst to poor little Babaji.
They fought, and they fought and they fought and ran and ran around the tree of their own demise
until.... hunny Jordan you remember,
finally, they ran themselves until churning into the
smoothest, finest, butter.
After all, Mamaji, Papaji, and Babaji had to prepare the evening meal, correct?
So Papaji found the churned, beautifully expensive refined butter afloat in the puddle and voila!,
he brought pounds and pounds of this home to Mamaji to eat for supper.
Ya, swaya baba tuum tiik, accha?
We will eat the finest butter there ever was of the earth.
Salaam Alaikum mi bara adome, tiik hai?
and my little Munchkin Stroodle apple pie with a cherry on top.
Mommy love you knodels.
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