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Rachel SAKHI Attorney of NASA Journey to Poverello House
The Neverland Institute of Naturopathic Medicine (Distance Education University), Hal Jackson's Talented Teens, & Rachel SAKHI Attorney of NASA Journey to Poverello House
Number One Video: American History - The Obama's
Sakhi Attorney Cellular
Mail Me Here!
QUEEN OF EGYPT. The Untold Diaries. Appraisal: 7,000,000

Autobiography, Motion Picture, Soundtrack
MAPPS - Mothers Against Preditory Pornographic Scout-Masters
- Ancient Times, Ancient Techniques. Modern Times, Modern Techniques.
- Blog Coming Soon - Topics & Evidence on Examples of how women, men, and children are stalked, harassed, isolated, kidnapped and traded in Human Trafficking for purposes of humiliation, degradation, racism, etc.
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
NEVERLAND(tm): (Brand Name: patents, trademarks, copyrights owned by Rachel SAKHI 1277a.d.
HAM: The Root of My Tree
R Sakhi's Podcast
Chandra Mukhi Prana Sakhi Kannada Classic Movie
YWMA -Young Women's Muslim Association

Teaching Unity, Diversity, Diplomacy & Intelligence to last a lifetime. Founded - Parson Dr. Rachel Al-Shehari
eChaplain Weddings
Chaplain Dr. Rachel SAKHI سخی©
Bootes - Herdsman ~ Maiden- Virgo ~ Dorado-Swordfish ~ Lynx-Lynx ~ Queen-Cassiopeia ~ King-Cepheus
Star CLusTures - Galactic -+ 10,000=.00 ~ GLobUlAr -+1,000,000=.00
About Me
- Classic Touch Studio
- The key to progress is love. The key to love is peace. The key to peace is worth. The key to worth is purpose. The key to purpose is aid. The key to aid is nurturing. The key to nurturing is security. The key to security is education. Let's give the gift of keys to unlock the promise of our nest eggs. Just like conception, what we fertilize today will reflect our nations character tomorrow. Eggheads Youth Coalition: Heritage: Culture: Ethnicity: Nationality: Racial Background:

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queenofegyptthemovie"s Photobucket root album media
Lecteur D'esprit
Saana Iman Rose

Masterful Paintings
Eggheads Youth Coalition
HFS AIDS/HIV Campaign 2007
Food for Thought
Black Panther

A Microsoft Clipart Photo. Try It!
It is not my specialty at this time to diagnose and treat mental health problems, however, by nature I am inclined as a Preventative Care Physician, Addictions Counselor, Hypno Psychotherapist and patron of humanity to utilize my 20 years of experience for recognizing, administering, and facilitating rehabilitation where it is needed. The key to my services is whether or not an individual wants to change. If an individual wants change it makes my love for helping others a whole lot easier. There's nothing comparible to the rewards of serving others.
Blog Archive
- Dearest Saana & Jordan...Love Mommy
- Meooow! I'm the cutest thing on the web.
- Giving Thanks to God Part XVI
- Giving Thanks to God Part XV
- Giving Thanks to God Part XIV
- Giving Thanks to God Part XIII
- Giving Thanks to God Part XII
- Giving Thanks to God Part XI
- Giving Thanks to God Part X
- Giving Thanks to God Part IX
- Giving Thanks to God Part VIII
- Giving Thanks to God Part VII
- Giving Thanks to God Part VI
- Giving Thanks to God Part V
- Giving Thanks to God Part IV
- Giving Thanks to God Part III
- Giving Thanks Part II
- Thanks to God for my blessings!
- Giving Thanks for no reason at all...
- There is true joy in sparking creativity in others.
- HFS USA to Adopt PEPFAR Project 2007
- Healthcare Facilitation Services & HIV, AIDS
- Tavis Smiley Show
- Mayor of Seattle Greg Nickels, 2007-2008 Budget Pr...
- To Julian. My sweet 7 year old...
- Krystal...
- Greg, Hi.
- Phyllis, Hi.
- Tracy, Hi.
- Thank you NAACP
- Ginuwine....Please take the time.
- Missy Elliott. I met you in New York...
- Thanks Hal Jacksons Talented Teens International N...
- Thanks Tyra for taking the time...
- Just when the time was right, you expressed this m...
- Dear Montel - I have just submitted information on...
- Tacoma Incident continued from previous post
- Tacoma Incident "supposedly" (as reported and on f...
- CPS report unfounded or inconclusive
- My Husband once told me...
- Blue Camry on Scene - White Female
- Psychic Assessment - Sylvia Brown welcome to comme...
- On 01/02/05, at approximately 0033 hours, Deputy S...
- Dear Montel - I have just submitted information on...
- Public Records Disclaimer RCW 42.17
- Main Witness named in Tacoma attack
- Does anyone know what service provider services th...
- Hate, Opportunity and Suggestive Reasoning
- Breech of Initial Verbal Contract
- Intuitive Assessment
- My rate in this case is $450 per hour unfortunately
- Illegal Eviction & Obstruction to Justice for all ...
- DATA RECOVERY SERVICES - cell phone pics recovery
- Police Report # ---------- Roble Abdinoor and Neig...
- Declaration of : Nagat Sakkaf via certified MSN email
- Marriage to Ali AlShehari ended 1 day prior to Tac...
- CPS Report Filed in Tacoma from Tacoma Bridgeport ...
- Here is the CPS filed against me recently...
- Who are the individuals behind the CPS reports?
- Dear Public Broadcasting Stations
- Where to go when your safety net is apart of the c...
- Requesting Polygraphs as Witness Declarations
- Dear Judge Hatchet - Family and Preservation Request
- Dear Judge Mathis - Child and Family Preservation ...
- Dear Oprah - Child and Family Preservation Request
- Dear Montell - Child and Family Preservation Request
- Mortgage Seekers - 7 Seas Realty & Finance
- Odyssey Real Estate Development
- Newly accepted as a New York City Pro Bono Volunteer
- Philanthropy and Recipients
- Got Justice? Campaign