The Montel Williams Show433 West 53rd St.New York, NY 10019
Dear Montel,
How are you? My mother turned me onto your show as a young girl. She had always admired the continuous efforts to expand access to the public in matters of family, relationships, safety, education, charity and health awareness. Your contributions to the real life issues facing women, youth and family in conjunction to public health and safety while preserving conservative levels of fun and spontaneity earned our admiration whole-heartedly. My mother was at one point in my life, a survivor of breast cancer after a double mastectomy. I was six months old and 15 years of age during those events. She is survived by 4 biological children, grandchildren and a large community of supporters. I have no clue if I will be selected to share my story as a guest, however it's worth a shot. I have become utterly disturbed at allegations coupled with fabricated evidence by manipulated here say information, abuse of power capitalizing on past youth mistakes to win a dependency case in the Superior Court of Washington. To enlighten you briefly on the my history:
I was born in Louisiana as a biracial child to a French Creole Mother and White Cajun Father. Mom married at the age of 16, divorced 25 years later and my father divorced after 5 years of his first and only marriage. They found each other after their divorce. Mom moved to Seattle, where my Grandpa had a successful painting company, however long deceased by the time mother had moved over to the Northwest. She was brought over by my uncle who owns a successful spice company. He figured I would have more opportunity here in Seattle than Louisiana. I was an average student always with slumping grades in middle and highschool, although extremely bright. I discovered a weird talent of seeing figures in newspaper articles as coached by my elders on my fathers side of the family. I was aware of the sisters gathering around a great big table with candles meditating while getting my hair done. I just figured it was pretty normal. Then during the times of people having sightings of the Virgin Mary in a fork shaped tree far out into the woods, my elders brought me the newspaper clipping of this event. The picture was a blank one with only the tree and field visible. They would ask if I could see any other items in the photo. They taught me to keep looking and staring and I did just that. I begin to see what appeared as a lady figure with an aura around her. There were other items laying around in the grassy field also. That was the first time I had any psychic perceptions brought to my attention. I discovered many other talents over the years such as modeling, public speaking, civil rights activism, acting, performing in pageants since kindergarden and at the age of 16 travelled to Harlem to perform at the Apollo Theatre as the Queen of A Washington state pageant known as Hal Jacksons Talented Teens International connected with WBLM Radio of New York City. This soon followed by a Gold Medal in Visual Arts for the state of washington endorsed by the NAACP and sponsored by the Redmond Eddie Bauer Corporation (soon to be bought out). I later travelled to the east coast to participate in a talents showcase called the pre-grammy awards showing. Judges were from Def Jam Records, Arista and some others if I remember correctly. I put off college for a while to pursue offers of modeling for L'Oreal also a judge to visual arts scholarship recipients at the University of Wa. I was apart of the Seafair's Scholarship for Women Pageant, although underage to compete my mother signed me over in support. By this time I had been taught that beauty will get you anything. I won everything through purely talent, looks and pleasing demands to perform. Sometimes getting paid $500 to model Versace for 30 seconds on a runway as a presentation model for Trade Shows hosting thousands of Vendors and manufacturers. I was given ample food stipends, free hair care services and products as an employee or independent contractor. However, being blessed as a poet, artist, songwriter, public speaker, actor, dancer, model, singer, dub-poet, fashion designer, digital photographer, mural artist, portrait artist, business administrator, entrepreneur since teh age of 9 with multi-adaptability, chemelion characteristics (I have conducted private research as a Russian, Indian, Islander, Arab, Ebony(African American), British Native) and am well cultured, now a priveleged mother. Family members pulled me in many directions to pursue career interests but for some reason I did'nt budge. I nearly joined the Marine Corps at 18, however with my perfectly spotless background record I wanted to double check for any cancerous cells in or around my cervical area. My Marine Corps recruiter and I became friends in about 1 minute after walking into his office and we later made plans to stay in contact, then a sweet letter arrived to my mother showing interest in me and the inclinations of marriage. During this time my mother's health was suffering without my knowledge. The partner and I gave my mother a grandchild and Woooah I was super duper young. Hit me like a cannon across my forehead. I had thoughts of a perfect and easy life per the standards of my broad conservative support system. I felt so indebted to everyone who would do things such as cook my food, iron my clothes, fly me 1st class air, give me constant photo shots, schedule my doctor's appointments, choose and buy my clothes which would be laying on the bed as I arrived from school, planned my schedule, made my bed and decorated my room. My mother was a seamstress and she would also sew lots of clothing. I was showered with Architectural supplies because I was supposedly going to be an Architect, shopped for my groceries, pay for my airline tickets and give me rides everywhere because it was 'unsafe' to ride the city bus as a teenager, co-signing for everything I needed. I had so much pressure to be who they thought I was blessed to be. My culture was to have everything served on a silver spoon. Some people would consider this "spoiled", however it was just the way my family and friends treated me. I literally cried when I did'nt get undivided attention. My mother stayed awaked listening to my long, boring narratives and my 200-300 practice speaches for pageants, clapping everytime I was done. Boy! I sure felt special. I told her I wanted to be a nurse at the age of 5 and by the time I was 15 I knew I wanted to pursue psychiatry, possibly in London. There were conflict of interests in pleasing every single person in my support system, especially the ones that invested lots of money. I was always asking for something. Guess what? I would always get it too. Then I wanted everything to be perfect such as 1 husband, about 12 children and no divorce. Shawn (The Marine Corps Sergeant) seemed as though he would have been mature enough to become a candidate. I adored his accent, he is not a US citizen. He is Indian. Our meeting was very conservativea and traditional, my main concerns were satisfied so he passed the test. He had never been married, had no children, no criminal record, did'nt smoke cigarettes, had a good solid career, and mentally sane with a family support system that cover the Trinidad, NY, TX, SC territories not to mention the United States Government Marine Corps lineage. He introduced me according to his family in Houston, TX was courteous, showed respect for my privacy and was super nice my mother. She was the key to my heart. She knew ever detail of any male of whom held an interest in me, but he put a special smile on her face. That's the only reason I began travelling by 1st class air at his expense to interact with him. I was offered a key to his home with an invitation to a partnership. I was very young and inexperienced, also naive to the ways of the world let alone how to handle a gentleman such as himself. I was working as a Medical Secretary at Baptist Hospital in the Home Health department. and the Chamber of Commerce as a Sales & Marketing Associate. Conflict over my rate of pay, sitting in a chair all day, being $3 more than the certified nursing assistants in that department led to my unfortunate departure. I was asked to leave and never call or come back again, however the Director of Nursing invited me to travel with here as a Mary Kay representative. I met the late Mary Kay at a trade convention in Houston. My male partner, at the time believed a career in Mary Kay would be a waste of time. I then decided to go work at the mall. I got the job at one of the high end stores 5 minutes after turning the application in. Shawn (my male parnter at the time) believed the job did'nt pay enough at a bit over $5/hour. I really liked the Boss though. I left that job. I got a job at the largest partnering Law Firm in Southeast Texas as a data entry clerk working on Asbestos cases. Shawn asked me if I wanted a child. Even though I had been on Tetrocyclene (for teenage zits) I was actually still on birth control. Technically I should have been infertile. We wore protection and conceived my oldest child, Julian Dominic Cipriani. When I told Shawn I was pregnant he said he was shocked and began confescating my priveleges. First he had a Marine Corps colleague drive me to and from work, which showed his commitment to the Marine Corps more than to me. Then he took the privelege of a ride away leaving me to walk to work. I thought this was complete torture and humiliation. He brought baby shower gifts home, but they were for his friends Shans Logon's pregnancy his "godchild". He had cake and barbque from their celebration while nothing was ever celebrated for me. He always had to make public appearances for the Marine Corps and just when I thought this was beyond disrespect he says, "just because your pregnant does'nt mean I have to marry you." Weekly, Shawn would give me $200 to shop for groceries at Wal Mart and I would use his car to drive there. He constantly accused me of cheating because I would take 2-3 hours at the store. I was really on the payphone talking to my mother in Seattle trying to figure out what to do to make him happy. For holidays, such a Valentine's Day, Shawn would leave balloons and chocolate in the bathroom for me and McDonald's breakfast on the kitchen table if he had to attend parades for the Marine Corps and could'nt be with me. My first date with Shawn was at a movie theatre in Tx to view ANTZ the animated movie. He flew me from Seattle, Wa to Beaumont, Tx for this date. My mother was quite impressed with him. We indulged in Roti, curry, jerk prepared foods and lots of bread baking with the women in his family. Bread is a really big deal in that family. There are also many Healthcare providers in his family. matter of fact the fist meeting with his paternal family was different yet comfortable. i was asked 2-3 questions.
What are your career goals?
When will you have children?
Let me check your hemoglobin.
During my pregnancy I would visit my paternal parent and "2nd" mother. My dad would ask who I'm getting married to and could never stand the thought of me getting married ever! I felt I would never be able to bring Shawn to meet my father because my dad never like anyone that would be considered to be a 'male friend'. So I never cared to commit to a marriage, who would walk me down the aisle? After leaving my dad's home I was pulled over by a Sheriff who invite dme to a beach party and to meet his mother. The Sheriff gave me his mom's number to let him know the whether I would be able to make it there, I did'nt want to be rude and called from home to relay the answer to the mother. I went for groceries later at Wal Mart, came back to find Shawn accusing me of cheating with a Police Officer. I was told I have 6 weeks to move out or find a place, move back to Seattle because no one in La or Tx would help me. I did just that.
I moved into the first apartment I ever had. While working at the law firm I woke up one morning to find my care repossessed. I called Shawn for a ride to work. Shawn later kissed me a fairwell on the Greyhound bus back to Seattle. I was technically homeless but my brother Greg housed me and my boxes in Renton, WA. He told me to immediately make it my job to get a job and a place to live. He said this in front of my mother. She cried. She was very broken hearted how Shawn write her a letter asking to date me, then dumping me like a pregnant vending machine. So I got on the ball (metro bus), my mother and I and went to an interview at the Josephenium to apply for Emergency housing. I appeared before a panel of board members with mom and got accepted after close contact with the case managers over a period of a week. I went home to my brother's home and announced my hard work and goodwill effort. My family was excited and brother went to drop me off. As we arrived my brother showed this horrifying disgusted look of disappointment in me. It was'nt good enough. So I had to tell the people nevermind. I'll pass. We went back to his home.
My brother asked me if I had lost my mind. he said I had gone completely down hill. My mother and I cried when we went back to brother's home. We waited until he and his wife went to work and cried again. She wanted us to find a place to live together. I found my mother an apartment immediately. Prior to her moving out, I went on an interview and was hired as the Manager of a Private Upscale Hotel. I was put on a salary of $3,000/ month, room and board included with cash advances located in Capitol Hill, Seattle, WA. He told mom this was not good enough. Even though I was within walking distance of everything, I had so much money left over from my check I purchased a car. Unfortunately, there was no where to park my newly purchased car due to the SUV's and convertible mercedes in the driveway belonging to the guests. My hotels guests consisted of US Government Doctors, Psychiatrists seeking secluded retreats for research projects and News Journalists from the east coast. My job was extremely tough because I had to make sure the strawberries were cut neatly while maintaining sanitation after parking the Mercedes. Tea was served on a regular basis and conversating with the guests was apart of my job duties. While keeping these highly educated folks mentally stimulated, I became slightly nervous and maintained composure. I was in charge of bookkeeping, handling transaction, serving as entertainment, tour guides and cooking. The Hotel was Italian owned and operated by a Computer Scientist and Registered Nurse from the East Coast. They spoiled me tremendously. I hired a housekeeper from Kenya who held the responsibility of supporting her entire family back home. She was 28 yrs of age and I 19 yrs of age. She never liked directions from me which I felt really bad about. One bright and sunny day, she told the owner I was seen panting over the stairwell and looked pregnant. The was ended. I was asked to leave the job because the position including incentives are not equipped for another life.
I was told I cannot communicate properly with Physicians and journalists with a big pregnant belly or baby for that matter. I was invited to lunch at a nice Italian restaurant to discuss my options, which were-- find an apartment and I'll give you a reference, no employee compensation benefits. I found an apartment in the SeaTac area where I worked day in and day out with a business suit on very pregnant. I filled my home with supplies for a baby and preayed the Catholic Rosary every day. I paid rent on time every month and pawned my newly purchased car for $800.00 to pay extra deposit fees as a 'new applicant' to this particular community for Julian to have a roof over his head upon arrival into this bold world. I was offered lots of help from agencies through referrels. Not paying any attention as I usually would take the advise of people I trust (which at that time was just about anybody that seemed presentable or well mannered). I was advised to get a medical coupon, food stamps and all kinds of funds. I just followed advise. I have also learned that people who do no wrong don't have suspicion of wrong leading them to trust others who are evil at times. After getting burned by clever tricks pulled on me this has led me to use caution. As I have become introduced to higher levels of back stabbing I am now completely skeptical and overly cautious because of my natural custom and usual comfort zone which is quite conservative. Only now I am a wise conservative. My wisdom was not gained through wrongdoing, it was earned by the levels of trickery inflicted upon me during my life. This is why I seem 60 rather than 27 but I still feel youthful.
After working at Daniel Smith's artists Supplies in the Industrial area of Seattle as a data entry clerk for $13.00 per hour I was able to earn a good nest egg for Julian before he arrived. I was able to buy my car out of pawn just 2 weeks after obtaining the loan and still payed my rent of $545.00 per month, utilities and telephone along with food. I did'nt know much about cars at the time and was constantly having to change the battery. I would walk in the rain at night or day to carry groceries all by myself while Shawn was concerning himself with Paternity DNA testing. I had to give birth to my baby all alone in the delivery room. The midwives held a meeting at Group Health Cooperative to aplaud my calmness during labor and delivery.
They were trying to figure out what it was I was doing. It was Hypno Birthing. Inducing hypnosis in order to prevent drugs being utilized to see one through labor painlessly. It was really relaxing also. I spit him out really quite fast it seemed. The main focus was strictly to have a painless labor and delivery. Sometimes drugs injected into the Spine may cause damage later on. It was just my preference. Basically, I utilized naturopathic methods for everything I did in life. Matter of fact I was always so happy as a kid, I was asked are you doing drugs? I constantly had to defend myself by stating my happiness for life.
Anyhow, months prior I had saved money from a paycheck to buy Julian a wardrobe. I rode the bus to the Redmond, Wa's Value Village ( my favorite store) to purchase $150.00 dollars worth of brand new infant clothing. Redmond is the richer area and usually brand new clothing is donated to the 2nd hand store there along with computer items. The $150.00 got Julian Disney, GAP, etc. etc. clothing from infant sizes on up to 3 years of age.
I then came back to Willow Lake Apartments to put those articles of clothing in the Washer and Dryer located in the laundry facility attached to the leasing office. There was a young man there washing what seemed to be baby items. He appeared about 15 years old and very articulate. He watched as I loaded Julian's clothes into the washer. He asked how many months pregnant I was, was it a boy or girl and I in return asked if he had quarters for cash. He directed me to walk a couple miles North to get change. I did.
I came back and all of Julian's clothing had been stolen leaving only the heavier wet items in the washer. I never saw that kid again. He said his girlfriend who resided there was pregnant also.
Later I enrolled at the Art Institute of Seattle to earn a Bachelor's degree in Multimedia and Webdesign. I could not however, concentrate on my homework because there was a female in an apartment nearby always getting her head stuffed into the toilet. I would always hear gurgling sounds her trying to scream and stomping constantly. I believe there may have been a child visiting that apartment sometimes. I wonder why CPS never mysteriously showed up there?
HOWEVER, they did manage to make their way over to my house. The girl always singing Lullabies to her son and cooking like a wife character. The sounds of that woman getting beaten up constantly made me fear ever getting married to a man. As a young mother I figure I could live in peace all by myself instead having someone ram my head into a toilet.
After putting Julian at a daycare in DesMoines which sits right by the Ocean. I applied and got a job there in the toddler section. I would sing songs, conduct nap time and all the other good stuff, but was worried about the woman who was in charge of watching Julian. I always had to run over to check on him because she was obviously distant. She had been hired because her infant twins attended the daycare and she wanted to be close to them. She and the toddler teacher whose position I filled due to the owner moving her to the kitchen seemed very territorial about the long amount of time they had been there.
One day I noticed the door was open in her room. Julian almost slithered out and it was freezing, atleast for a baby as the Ocean breeze was trailing right into the door where my baby was crawling. I believe the reasons for the young girl being distant may have been due to slight post pardum depression or atleast slight symptoms were obvious.
Again, I was reported to CpS by the owner of the daycare, who happen to be from Kenya or somewhere near or abouts in Africa. I was also fired.
I then tried to get a babysitter from a family across the parking lot of the apartments. I noticed a caucasian lady with children in the home and began to ask her but she had big red iron burns on her arm.
At this point in life I had no clue what the term'DV' meant let alone domestic violence or anything pertaining to it until people kept trying to ruin me with. I really learned what it was at about the age of 23 after I heard about it enough.
Anyhow, I then hired a little lady across the parking lot because they were close by and inside the home was a grandma, siblings, children and what seemed to be a safe apartment. I asked her to make sure she stayed home with him and she agreed. One day I came home early from school and knocked on her door. Marijuana smoke came out and I felt I had severely misjudged this family to care for my child and immediately after being disgusted by the girl telling me she had occupied Julian by giving him a chicken bone to suck on during a barbque. I though OH GOD, this is just the end of all civilization!!! My perfect little son sucking on a CHICKEN BONE around people that think that's actually healthy.
After a horrible experience with a state licensed childcare, horrible private babysitter and stolen clothes I decided to contact my sister and propose he stay in her care until I complete my degree at the AI of Seattle. This way I could hurry and pay a nanny or trusted person to care for my son later.
I became extremely paranoid about the type of people residing at Willow Lake Properties in SeaTac, WA.
While attending the Art Institute of Seattle, I was approached as a Catholic, Rosary praying girl by some ladies in the Adult Entertainment Industry. They wanted me to take their pictures, while building and Marketing their websites. I did. They promissed gobs of money and I thought, hey here's my solution to financial problems. NOT. They later on down the line were very unreliable.
Here is the point where I became closely exposed to a different realm of people I had never been around before (or never noticed for that matter) and did'nt hold the capacity to handle the cleverness of some of those ladies.
During my time at the Willow Lake Apartments and while at the AI of Seattle, I took a lunch break to visit my mom. I arrived at my mother's highrise apartment building only to find the apartment extremely hot. Being the sometimes, dense and clumsy girl that I have been or just plain Faith and optimism in only good occuring, I continued to tell my mother a story.
I then noticed the oven was on about 300 degrees despite the fact of outside climate being nearly 80 degrees. I continued telling a story, then she asked me for a blanket. I then asked here if she was okay. She said yes and began shivering. With the chills, I got her to direct me to her doctor's contact information which my brother was usually the responsible adult in those areas. He worked at a hospital for over 13 years. Actually, the hospital she utilized for care and later Hospice Services.
I called in and was advised to bring mother to the hospital. She had a cathedor checked (which I had no clue she was wearing in the first place) and was told it is time to take it out. I told mother I will immediately call my brother and that I had to go, I would be back later.
She was looking very strong and vibrant, talkative when I left her however, when I returned weird things were going on and nobody would explain them to me.
The next time I went to see her she asked that I draw her two cherub angels. I left to get the supplies and came back, but could not complete the drawing. The next time I returned, I was instructed to wear protective covering for sanitation purposes. I watched through the window as she courageously lifted herself up to get to the bathroom and did'nt seem to understand what was happening to her own body while the clock was ticking. She became slightly incontenent as she walked over to the bathroom door and I never made it inside that room.
My outlet was merely to stay productive. The weird thing is I was not reacting in ways that one person may think because my mother had discussed death in general for years prior. I told her if I died before her I would make sure and move object to speak with her and she agreed if she passed before me, she would communicate with me the same to protect me from harm. She is a woman of her word.
When she was on her bed later as I went by to visit, I grabbed her hand briefly said you know I love you, right? She appeared to others to not be able to speak any longer however, she opened her mouth and squeezed my hand with a stern, "Yes".
I never went back to that hospital. The hospice service took her to my brother's home a few days later. I went to visit and although I remained in the background of everything my mother and I were clearly communicating. I left and went to my friend Ben's home. I fell asleep in a room and the next morning a quick dreamlike vision flashed by in the form of emotion. My mother said, "Rachel it's time for me to go now". My cell phone range a few seconds after and my eldest sister was crying on the phone from my brother's home. The words were'nt coming out but I told her I know, mom is gone I'll be there in a second. I never went to my mother's funeral. I did though go back to Louisiana recently. Her home that had been vacant for 7 years, I hired a contractor to remodel and the home was sold. I did'nt want to sell it, but it was sold. That was therapy of a lifetime. I went into labor with my daughter Saana inside her house. The house is shining bright from the TX/LA interstate just like her spirit.
If she could see the damage people are doing to her grandkids right now and her daughter, (actually she can from heaven) she would be extremely hurt. I believe though that she is up in heaven working with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Ghandi, President John F. Kennedy and many many others to move mountains and bring justice to us all down here.
They would want injustice to end, and joyous lives to be lived. This world is far too big and there are far too many men and women, cars and job openings for people to fight or spread hate over spite or evil reasons.
I'll continue this later.
Montel, I am a bit of a narrator so I'm hoping I did'nt buzz your ears off with my lengthy story. Thanks having the producers take the time to reference these events.
Love, Rachel, Jordan, Julian and Saana
Rachel SAKHI Attorney of NASA Journey to Poverello House
The Neverland Institute of Naturopathic Medicine (Distance Education University), Hal Jackson's Talented Teens, & Rachel SAKHI Attorney of NASA Journey to Poverello House
Number One Video: American History - The Obama's
Sakhi Attorney Cellular
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QUEEN OF EGYPT. The Untold Diaries. Appraisal: 7,000,000

Autobiography, Motion Picture, Soundtrack
MAPPS - Mothers Against Preditory Pornographic Scout-Masters
- Ancient Times, Ancient Techniques. Modern Times, Modern Techniques.
- Blog Coming Soon - Topics & Evidence on Examples of how women, men, and children are stalked, harassed, isolated, kidnapped and traded in Human Trafficking for purposes of humiliation, degradation, racism, etc.
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NEVERLAND(tm): (Brand Name: patents, trademarks, copyrights owned by Rachel SAKHI 1277a.d.
HAM: The Root of My Tree
R Sakhi's Podcast
Chandra Mukhi Prana Sakhi Kannada Classic Movie
YWMA -Young Women's Muslim Association

Teaching Unity, Diversity, Diplomacy & Intelligence to last a lifetime. Founded - Parson Dr. Rachel Al-Shehari
eChaplain Weddings
Chaplain Dr. Rachel SAKHI سخی©
Bootes - Herdsman ~ Maiden- Virgo ~ Dorado-Swordfish ~ Lynx-Lynx ~ Queen-Cassiopeia ~ King-Cepheus
Star CLusTures - Galactic -+ 10,000=.00 ~ GLobUlAr -+1,000,000=.00
About Me
- Classic Touch Studio
- The key to progress is love. The key to love is peace. The key to peace is worth. The key to worth is purpose. The key to purpose is aid. The key to aid is nurturing. The key to nurturing is security. The key to security is education. Let's give the gift of keys to unlock the promise of our nest eggs. Just like conception, what we fertilize today will reflect our nations character tomorrow. Eggheads Youth Coalition: Heritage: Culture: Ethnicity: Nationality: Racial Background:

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Lecteur D'esprit
Saana Iman Rose

Masterful Paintings
Eggheads Youth Coalition
HFS AIDS/HIV Campaign 2007
Food for Thought
Black Panther

A Microsoft Clipart Photo. Try It!
It is not my specialty at this time to diagnose and treat mental health problems, however, by nature I am inclined as a Preventative Care Physician, Addictions Counselor, Hypno Psychotherapist and patron of humanity to utilize my 20 years of experience for recognizing, administering, and facilitating rehabilitation where it is needed. The key to my services is whether or not an individual wants to change. If an individual wants change it makes my love for helping others a whole lot easier. There's nothing comparible to the rewards of serving others.
Blog Archive
- Dearest Saana & Jordan...Love Mommy
- Meooow! I'm the cutest thing on the web.
- Giving Thanks to God Part XVI
- Giving Thanks to God Part XV
- Giving Thanks to God Part XIV
- Giving Thanks to God Part XIII
- Giving Thanks to God Part XII
- Giving Thanks to God Part XI
- Giving Thanks to God Part X
- Giving Thanks to God Part IX
- Giving Thanks to God Part VIII
- Giving Thanks to God Part VII
- Giving Thanks to God Part VI
- Giving Thanks to God Part V
- Giving Thanks to God Part IV
- Giving Thanks to God Part III
- Giving Thanks Part II
- Thanks to God for my blessings!
- Giving Thanks for no reason at all...
- There is true joy in sparking creativity in others.
- HFS USA to Adopt PEPFAR Project 2007
- Healthcare Facilitation Services & HIV, AIDS
- Tavis Smiley Show
- Mayor of Seattle Greg Nickels, 2007-2008 Budget Pr...
- To Julian. My sweet 7 year old...
- Krystal...
- Greg, Hi.
- Phyllis, Hi.
- Tracy, Hi.
- Thank you NAACP
- Ginuwine....Please take the time.
- Missy Elliott. I met you in New York...
- Thanks Hal Jacksons Talented Teens International N...
- Thanks Tyra for taking the time...
- Just when the time was right, you expressed this m...
- Dear Montel - I have just submitted information on...
- Tacoma Incident continued from previous post
- Tacoma Incident "supposedly" (as reported and on f...
- CPS report unfounded or inconclusive
- My Husband once told me...
- Blue Camry on Scene - White Female
- Psychic Assessment - Sylvia Brown welcome to comme...
- On 01/02/05, at approximately 0033 hours, Deputy S...
- Dear Montel - I have just submitted information on...
- Public Records Disclaimer RCW 42.17
- Main Witness named in Tacoma attack
- Does anyone know what service provider services th...
- Hate, Opportunity and Suggestive Reasoning
- Breech of Initial Verbal Contract
- Intuitive Assessment
- My rate in this case is $450 per hour unfortunately
- Illegal Eviction & Obstruction to Justice for all ...
- DATA RECOVERY SERVICES - cell phone pics recovery
- Police Report # ---------- Roble Abdinoor and Neig...
- Declaration of : Nagat Sakkaf via certified MSN email
- Marriage to Ali AlShehari ended 1 day prior to Tac...
- CPS Report Filed in Tacoma from Tacoma Bridgeport ...
- Here is the CPS filed against me recently...
- Who are the individuals behind the CPS reports?
- Dear Public Broadcasting Stations
- Where to go when your safety net is apart of the c...
- Requesting Polygraphs as Witness Declarations
- Dear Judge Hatchet - Family and Preservation Request
- Dear Judge Mathis - Child and Family Preservation ...
- Dear Oprah - Child and Family Preservation Request
- Dear Montell - Child and Family Preservation Request
- Mortgage Seekers - 7 Seas Realty & Finance
- Odyssey Real Estate Development
- Newly accepted as a New York City Pro Bono Volunteer
- Philanthropy and Recipients
- Got Justice? Campaign
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