Muslim Housing Services,
This is an awesome organization. They are one of the only housing services accommodating low income families in transition including Muslims and immigrants new to America.
In spite of the awful and fraudulent CPS referrel submitted to the Department of WA by their employee Roble Abdinoor which has caused severe damage to my family, I have an awesome amount of respect for any organization which upholds the same values as I in their sole purpose of philanthropy.
Roble Abdinoor submitted a fraudulent CPS referrel to CPS utilizing his title as a 'case manager' to intentionally cause problems within my family.
He initially invited me to the office because I am a grantwriter.
Not only was the contract breeched, but he has made a complete fool out of Muslim Housing Services in the process posing as a competent and cultured person with the capacity to handle families.
This is unfortunate and maybe was a funny game, however because I had to uproot myself and my children out of the home while focusing on my work as a writer, our entire schedule was thrown out of wack and we had to rush downtown Seattle to make it to a court hearing due to his spiteful CPS report.
At the hearing the Judge says the children shall be placed with mother in home until further notice and I
requested a continuance to provide evidence that his report or "FACTS" which allowed the initiation of a petition to take place was indeed FRAUDULENT. I was actually quite shocked and figured this was a joke the report was neatly submitted as a 4 PAGE REFERREL.
My children and I were so exhausted after traveling in the cold weather to downtown Seattle that we missed the court hearing I REQUESTED to provide evidence of his fraud.
The SWers were sent over with Police as witnesses to take the kids "temporarily".
However, then Roble like clockwork to cause more tragedy puts a bogus eviction notice on the door based on more fraud. Nothing was ever mentioned about the initial interest in me performing grantwriting for their organization.
Now instead of working I have had trash and garbage inflicted upon my life all because Mr. Abdinoor felt like he should have woken up one day, typed a narrative of detriment then execute his plot toward my children.
You should have seen the tears in my daughters eyes when they took her away.
Now the suprisingly inconclusive report was issued on the case, but their trying to push other issues to insure the children may never return to me.
Then Mr. Abdinoor showed up one night with his high beaming headlights into my kitchen window with a lady in the passenger seat.
He bangs on the door as if he were coming to bust it in and says SHOULDN'T YOU BE GONE BY NOW. I didn't open the door for him, so I spoke to him through the window and reported him to the police.
He then walked over to his SUV and began laughing outrageously with what appeared to be a wife in the passenger seat. By acting this way, this projects a bad reputation on Somalians. However, I have many Somalian friends and they are just wonderful.
So I take it the intention was this:
I intimidated Mr. Abdinoor with my intelligence during our meeting
He became spiteful after I asked him what level of education he has
because he kept asking me questions about marriage
nothing to do with work.
He kept bothering me about my children's father and I continuously asked
him to discuss more productive issues like work.
He became jealous after he brought us to the townhome one day with nothing in it,
then returned and there were beautifully decorated rooms with a portion of the home
I had converted into a SCHOOL teaching my children
I told him I would be soon instructing college courses and he laughed in my face.
I felt he was lost a little and trying to show off an ego of some sort, however it has caused extreme danger to my children. It is really no laughing matter.
Qur'aanic arabic (transliteration)
Arabic alphabets
My 2 year old was learning to sing the 114 verses of the Qur'aan
He stole my cellular phone which had songs by my children and I singing together on it.
He then formed the evil eye and began to conjure up this entire dreadful scenario of what he submitted.
He is outrageous.
Now my children may never see me again because of his intent to cause destruction.
I forgive this for the sake of Allah, however he needs to be responsible and give credit where credit is due or just do not represent any human being at all.
The bad part about this is I don't want credit for my accomplishments but he has caused me to drag them out by defending myself.
MUSLIM HOUSING SERVICES though, seems like a great organization and I pray they continue good service by all means available for them.
Actually i would not mind contracting with them.
I have lots to offer this organization.
Rachel SAKHI Attorney of NASA Journey to Poverello House
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Tuesday, December 26, 2006
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- Giving Thanks to God Part IX
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- Breech of Initial Verbal Contract
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