~ Breaking Barriers ~
Congressional Independant Candidate
If I have to suffer the ridicule and analysis of those
of you which have perfect jobs, families, cars,
businesses and communication skills...
so be it.
If I earn not only moral victory, but liberation
in every aspect of the word for the lives
of the past, present and future generations
I would'nt change a thing. Besides it's pretty boring
being perfect. The focus is globalization morally
not fiscally. This is simple. Spirit travels infinately,
but money can be defeated by any tangible means
Be the winner! Break the Barriers. Unite for the sake
of your rights. Voting for someone with an out of the
box perspective on international affairs seeking to
please the people is someone who works to serve
your perspective.
See your visions come to life. Join in on this campaign
for justice and allow yourself to be the winner!
~ Asiyah Ali (R. Guillory) USA Independant
up and coming.
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