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Tuesday, February 19, 2008


391.Reported from Anas b. Malik, the Prophet said: "Girls are models of affection and sympathy and a blessing to the family. If a person has one daughter, Allah will screen him from the fire of hell owing to his daughter; if he has two daughters, Allah will admit him to paradise; if he has three, Allah will exempt him from the obligation of charity and Jehad." (Kanz al-Ummal:277). (Women in Islam by M. Mazheruddin Siddiqi).
392.Abu Hurairah says, "The Prophet of Allah said that if a person has three daughters whom he provides for and brings up, Allah will surely reward him with paradise."(Kanz al-Ummal). (Women in Islam by M. Mazheruddin Siddiqi).
393.According to Abdullah ibn Mas'ud, the Prophet is reported to have said; "If a daughter is born to a person and he brings her up, gives her a good education and trains her in the arts of life, I shall myself stand between him and hell-fire.(Kanz al-Ummal). (Women in Islam by M. Mazheruddin Siddiqi).
394.Ibn Abbas reported that a virgin grown-up girl came to the Prophet of Allah and narrated that her father had given her in marriage to a person whom she disliked. The Prophet gave her option. (Abu Dawud). (Women in Islam by M. Mazheruddin Siddiqi).
395.Khansa' b. Khidham reported that her father gave her in marriage, after she had became a widow. She disliked it and came to the Prophet. He annulled the marriage.(Bukhari). (Women in Islam by M. Mazheruddin Siddiqi).
396.According to Ayeshah, the Prophet's wife, he said about women: "They are like pleasing roses."
(NOTE 37) (Kanz al-Ummal). (Women in Islam by M. Mazheruddin Siddiqi).
397.Man is the ruler in his home. He will be held responsible for the conduct of his dependents, and woman is the ruler in her husband's home. She will also be held responsible for the conduct of her dependents.(Bukhari). (Women in Islam by M. Mazheruddin Siddiqi).
398.A person who has a female slave in charge and takes steps to give her a sound education and trains her in arts and culture, and then frees her and marries her, he will be doubly rewarded. (Sahih Bukhari, Kitab al-Nikah). (Women in Islam by M. Mazheruddin Siddiqi).
399.A report from Bahz b. Hakim states: I inquired the Prophet (peace be upon him) about hi teaching in respect of women. He replied: "Feed them as you feed yourselves, clothe them as you clothe yourselves, and do not beat or scold them."(Kanz al-Ummal). (Women in Islam by M. Mazheruddin Siddiqi).
400.According to a report from Abdullah b. 'Umar, the Prophet (peace be upon him) declared: "The whole world is a thing to be made use of and the best thing in the world is a virtuous wife." (Muslim). (Women in Islam by M. Mazheruddin Siddiqi).
401.Ayeshah praised the women of Ansar for their spirit of enquiry and learning, saying, 'How praiseworthy are the women of Ansar that their modesty does not prevent them from attempts at learning and the acquisition of knowledge.'(Sahih Muslim Kitab al Tahrat). (Women in Islam by M. Mazheruddin Siddiqi).
402.Umar, the Second Caliph, says, 'When a person marries a woman, and the woman stipulates that she would not be taken out of the town or city, of her residence, it is necessary for the husband to abide by the stipulation.'(Tirmidhi p. 385). (Women in Islam by M. Mazheruddin Siddiqi).
403.Ali, the Fourth Caliph, say: 'The conditions laid down by Allah take precedence over the conditions set by man.'(Ahmad). (Women in Islam by M. Mazheruddin Siddiqi).
404.A report from Ibn Abbas states that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: 'A previously married woman is more a guardian for herself than her guardian and a virgin should be asked permission about herself, and her permission is her silence.'(Muslim). (Women in Islam by M. Mazheruddin Siddiqi).
405.Abu Hurairah reports that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: 'A grown-up girl shall be asked permission about herself. If she is silent, it is her permission; and if she declines, there shall be no compulsion on her.'(Muslim). (Women in Islam by M. Mazheruddin Siddiqi).
406.Ibn Abas reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) declared: 'Those women are adulteresses who marry themselves without the presence of witnesses.'(Tirmidhi). (Women in Islam by M. Mazheruddin Siddiqi).
407.Ibn Umar says: 'Uthman b. Mazu'um left behind a young daughter. My uncle, Qudamah, married her to me, and did not even consult her. When the girl came to know this, she disliked this marriage and she wished to marry Mughirah b. Shu'bah. So she was married to Mughirah.(Ibn Majah). (Women in Islam by M. Mazheruddin Siddiqi).
408.Ayeshah, says, 'A girl came and stated that her father had given her in marriage to his nephew and she disliked him. I told her to wait till the Prophet arrived. When the Prophet came, I told him the full story of the girl. He at once sent for the father of the girl and enquired whether the facts stated were true, after which he told the girl the she was at liberty to choose or repudiate her husband. The girl replied that she chose to retain her marriage, and she wanted only to know whether women had the rights in the matter.' (Nasai). (Women in Islam by M. Mazheruddin Siddiqi).
409.Ayeshah said, the Prophet (peace be upon him) of Allah declared: 'Marriage of a woman is invalid without there being a guardian.' (Tirmidhi Kitab al-Nikah). (Women in Islam by M. Mazheruddin Siddiqi).
410.Ayeshah, the wife of the Prophet (peace be upon him), reports: The Prophet (peace be upon him) of Allah said: 'The best of you is he who is best to his wife.'(Tirmidhi). (Women in Islam by M. Mazheruddin Siddiqi).
411.A report from Abu Hurairah says: 'No believer should be angry towards his wife. If some of her qualities are displeasing, there will be many other qualities worth appreciation.'(Nail al-Autar). (Women in Islam by M. Mazheruddin Siddiqi).
412.The Angel of Allah advised me so many times about women that I became convinced that it is not lawful for a man to divorce his wife, except when she commits adultery.(Irshad al-Muhtaj, Huquq al-Azwaj). (Women in Islam by M. Mazheruddin Siddiqi).
413.According to a report from Anas b Malik, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: 'Girls are models of affection and sympathy and a blessing to the family. If a person has one daughter, Allah will screen him from the fire of hell owing to his daughter; if he has two daughters, Allah will admit him to Paradise; if he has three, Allah will exempt him from the obligations of charity and Jihad.(Kanz al-Ummal). (Women in Islam by M. Mazheruddin Siddiqi).

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