GO BACK TO MY 02/22/2008 POST
I can communicate with animals as well. Dogs are like humans.
Their spirits speak through the soul and their personality through their eyes/aura.
Anyway heres the NEWS RELEASE ON 02/25/2008:
Seattle schools bury recalled beef
Seattle schools bury recalled beef
03:53 PM PST on Monday, February 25, 2008
King County is documenting the disposal in hopes Seattle schools can be compensated.
MAPLE VALLEY, Wash. – Thousands of pounds of beef originally destined for Seattle schools were disposed of today as the result of the largest beef recall in U.S. history.
Three tractor trailers from Foodservices of America and a smaller truck from Seattle Public Schools, filled with products made from the recalled beef, were unloaded at the Cedar Hills Regional Landfill.
The boxes of meat were on pallets, shrink wrapped with a note saying "unfit for human consumption."
After being dumped, the boxes were bulldozed into the landfill, buried and covered with topsoil.
The recall involved 143 million pounds of beef from Westland Hallmark Beef Company. The United States Department of Agriculture issued the recall after undercover video from the Humane Society showed workers kicking and shoving sick and crippled cows. There are no reported illnesses linked to the beef.
More than a third of the company's meat went to school lunch programs.
The Seattle/King County Public Health is documenting the meat disposal so Seattle Public Schools can try to get compensated.
Seattle schools bury recalled beef
03:53 PM PST on Monday, February 25, 2008
King County is documenting the disposal in hopes Seattle schools can be compensated.
MAPLE VALLEY, Wash. – Thousands of pounds of beef originally destined for Seattle schools were disposed of today as the result of the largest beef recall in U.S. history.
Three tractor trailers from Foodservices of America and a smaller truck from Seattle Public Schools, filled with products made from the recalled beef, were unloaded at the Cedar Hills Regional Landfill.
The boxes of meat were on pallets, shrink wrapped with a note saying "unfit for human consumption."
After being dumped, the boxes were bulldozed into the landfill, buried and covered with topsoil.
The recall involved 143 million pounds of beef from Westland Hallmark Beef Company. The United States Department of Agriculture issued the recall after undercover video from the Humane Society showed workers kicking and shoving sick and crippled cows. There are no reported illnesses linked to the beef.
More than a third of the company's meat went to school lunch programs.
The Seattle/King County Public Health is documenting the meat disposal so Seattle Public Schools can try to get compensated.
My divinitive reading on 02/22/2008 was:
A mix up experiment expose explanation situation heart broken?? Aborigine or New Zealand?? at about 2:00 (o'clock) at a distance?? phone/conversation stomach - swollen elope?? eavesdropping?? cremation??? or framed??? overdose crack??? carbo or carcin --- something car --carpet or rug ---stench or aroma???someone is framing someone for taking drugs that they never actually took. pharmacist??? force ---forcefeed or foursome or forthcoming a formula of some sort or foresee to foresee foretell forearm??? foster??? f. child March or Mastery Marmelade or fruit or jelly jam???on the black market mansion or manslaughter????to be branded as a coward or liar??? or tainted reputation or food or a break up a divorce a bread or breach of contract Inwards , in the inside or ...invisible INVISIBLE???to be involved in an accident???or irreversible or it was Paul???--------------------------My reading is not clear....----------some kind of poisonof food - tainted food of some sort--of a policy or insurance policy the open homeowners insurance policy for 350,000???or polluted to hang out or hang together or harass/ment to slam on the brakes???or a skinhead???to propose something or a proposal (for marriage)in laws the inlaws (sister n law)three THREE, THE NUMBER THREE threefold, threesome, three quarters??? 75? orthree dimensional or to triple--the stakes ??--Parents or P. or P.--pain or paint???orpalace--Pakistani???--paralegal???--Hindu - charming???channeling - of communication checkers or cheaters???--chamber--to chase somebody away???--departure--detonate???--persecute??? or set up serenade sewage - septic - plumbing---urgency URN vacate vapour???--a hit???
Posted by Classic Touch Studio at 12:42 AM
So pretty much there are communications of over 4 or 5 different situations in that one reading.
It's too exhausting trying to pinpoint a FREESTYLE reading. It's like, oh oh....INCOMMMMMMING!! Then just blurt out a whole bunch of weird stuff.
Some things you just don't want to know. It's quite depressing. You just don't ever want to get involved.
So three was meaning maybe something totally different. But makes sense to believe it was in reference to the food poisoning or food that would make someone so sick like threatening type viruses. Mansion meant that of a King. Or that of a throne. KING COUNTY. Seattle. Three meant the tractor trailors. contract meant, well the contractors to the School District. Parents meant it was their kids at risk in the school district. Dope may have been pertaining to another situation getting channeled in or possibly STEROIDS or MAD COWS or something. Right after the number 3 or Threesome, 75% or 3 quarters, I stated , high stakes or the stakes. That meant BEEF STEAKS OR BEEF MEAT. ALTHOUGH BADLY MISSPELLED. Okay, enough about that. Just somethin I noticed. It was fun figuring out my divinitive reading. I like it when I make sensne.
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