What if you've always wanted to know something about certain things in the world.
No one wanted to tell you.
What if let's say...Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. , Mohatma Ghandi, John F. Kennedy,
the peoples sent to the creamery, slaves from the olden days, lynched people, etc.
could see you from heaven and really, really, wanted to pass that information over to you?
Wouldn't that be so cool.
I guess a riot would start.
How about a war, possibly a revolution.
Interesting huh?
What if this information would open your eyes to so much.
You would see the world from an entirely different perspective.
Your neighbors would look different,
Your boss would look different,
Your public schools and daycares would look different,
everything would just be so different.
Ask yourself this...
When a person is born into this world what happens after that?
***sit and dwell on this for a minute... ... ...
You get spoiled by your family, introduced to the world
you may become a doctor, lawyer, etc.
your family works hard to provide for you
some idiot may hit you with a truck and run off.
your life is completely over....OR
you might trip over a small rock and fall off of a cliff.
Such simple experiences, you never know what will really
happen in this particular life, do you?
Just think of that population of people who never even see a decent meal.
They are always given scraps of everything.
Let me explain...
Imagine yourself on a different planet, looking down on earth.
You are watching the humans as if they were little ants on an ant farm
You see one ant, he is several inches (miles from the ant's perspective) away from
his destination, however, you feel like having fun so you
take a pencil and swish him farther backwards.
The ant's little crumb of food just keeps falling off of his head.
He was working so hard.
Eventually the ant becomes exhausted.
The ant (if he had intellect as humans) would reason the following:
feelings of guilt, dwellings on his shortcomings, feelings of incompetence, however...
the ant has no clue that there is a GREAT BIG HUMAN, laughing hideously
while flickering him backwards over and over again.
This is what is going on with certain races in AMERICA
They have no idea that people are watching them like projects.
Sounds familiar? Have you ever heard of the word "PROJECTS" before?
Did you know that a real estate owner is allowed to have a camera inside of their property.
It is absolutely legal.
Did you know that credit systems are not just credit systems?
They are the humans flickering the little helpless ants back and forth.
Did you know that Ancient times called for Ancient Techniques, and Modern Times Calls for Modern Techniques?
In Ancient Times, trade of humans was lucrative and done openly.
(This is the condensed version of my analogy)
A broker is dependent on his commodity because those items are providing
money to develop his business and feed his family.
A broker is stable as long as he has a product that supplies a demand.
In Ancient Times, the broker traded a readily available product.
As the economy developed, and the HOT commodity began talking back to the broker saying thing like:
"I don't like getting beaten."
"I don't like getting my foot cut off."
"I don't want you to rape my infant daughter if I don't listen to you."
"I don't want to plow 12 acres of land for $0.50 per week, then
have sex with you, cook for you and your wife, then get whipped with a
big leather whip."
"I'm exhausted."
"I'm human just like you."
"Why do you call me a nigger?"
"A nigger is a person who is voluntarily ignorant."
"You are actually making me the way that I am."
"I want to go to school, but you the slave driver don't want me to."
"Why do I have to wear shackles?"
"Why did you burn a brand into my flesh."
"Why am I referred to as a number like the numbers on a wholesale commodity lot?"
"Why did I acquire your name instead of the name I was originally born with."
"Why am I suppressed?"
"Why when you suppress my natural human emotions, you then initiate a prognosis and in turn conclude with a diagnosis of depression. I am only DEPRESSING what is a natural human intellect SUPRESSED by you?"
"When you then make it mandatory to TREAT the DIAGNOSIS with a PRESCRIPTION for the INVOLUNTARY SUPRESSION initiated by you by the SPIRITUAL LAWS originally founded under the OATHS OF THE K*K, you are intoxicating and diluting my brain with a DRUG which then takes away my birth rites as a human."
"I am just like you."
"I am human."
"I eat like you."
"I drink like you."
"I ejaculate like you."
"I digest just like you, the white, the asian, the hispanic, the arab, the black, the other humans created by GOD."
As I was saying when I began this post:
We come into this world alone, we die alone.
When I die I may as well leave something behind that will enlighten others as to what is really going on.
Translating the true meanings of today's slave terms.
What does this mean?
Ancient Times called for Ancient Techniques, and Modern Times Calls for Modern Techniques.
Ever heard of quality control for humans?
It exists today.
See, the reason people don't want everyone to know this especially youth is because it will put a scare within.
Someone has said once before, "we wouldn't want to raise the kids with fear of others."
I have news for everyone.
It's better to know what the truth is rather than walking around like a zombie.
At what point are people going to stop doing what they do to dehumanize others with their sorry remarks under their breath, the employment discrimmination, the licensing laws to keep certain people from ever accomplishing anything, the rapes of young children, the hate crimes everywhere.
Can you imagine how many unpublicized hate crimes take place every 3 Minutes?
Can you imagine how many children are raped every 3 Minutes?
Can you imagine how many women are raped every 2 Minutes?
Can you imagine how many black people endure hate crimes every 15 seconds?
Can you imagine the truth and stop living like zombies in a fantasy world?
It exists, we know it exists and to those of you who think its sophisticated, intelligent,
or cute to go along with this....really you're really not cute at all.
If I'm put into any position of accessibility to assist....oh wait.
Naah, that won't happen.
They've had an eye on me ever since I did activism as a teenager.
Yes. They. Meaning someone actually approached me from a hate group as a teenager
during the times I was giving public speeches for the advancement of people of color.
I was standing at a bus stop coming from a University. A man quietly approached me,
and said, "are you of ***** race?" I replied, "No." He concluded with, okay well you won't be bothered anyway.
Another eye opener:
**Have you ever heard of the Organizations who specialize in funding events for Breast Cancer awareness and research?
**Have you ever heard of the Organizations who specialize in funding events for AIDS awareness and reasearch?
**Aren't they awesome?
Let's review what they do...
They first recruit members.
It takes a village to form a union, correct?
They then need equipment, right?
Without equipment a Medical Doctor is nothing more than a quack.
They then need funding, right?
Without money your organization is nothing more than wishful thinking.
You can't drive across the city to make it to a Dependency Court appearance without gas in the car or a bus ticket, right.
You must keep a database to keep track of calendar events, members because it's
all about project coordination, understand?
Everyone keeps an eye on there donors because this is how your funding will
keep everything running smoothly.
Organization, diligence, COMMUNICATION, etc. is the key to the glue that keeps the organization running smoothly.
The organization is like a brotherhood, so to speak.
Ancient Times called for Ancient Techniques, and Modern Times calls for Modern Techniques.
Keeping the above analogy in mind, let's move forward...
Moving along to bigger things.
Take the same application as utilized above when I explained the tools utilized by non profit organizations to keep the purpose in progress.
Anyone can form an organization, but the purpose is what makes the difference.
This is black history month so let's focus on hate organizations.
Being that my children and I have been the supposed proposed "victims" of these hate crimes let me break down the way these crimes are initiated, funded, documented, organized, tracked, recorded, communicated, monitored, etc.
Organization including : software, telephones, emails encrypted, code language
Certain colors such as Neon Orange, Bright Red, etc.
Databases of Names of (not donors, but proposed victims) people
Databases of their accomplishments, degrees, credit scores, etc.
Databases of their associations, personal relationships, marrital history, any healthy family relationships.
Then they form a blueprint of what to target.
The things targeted are what is naturally a necessity in a person's life and success such as:
Clean background records for getting a job
Clean background records for volunteering your services
Clean credit score for obtaining a stable place to live
Clean credit score for maintaining a marriage
The basis of life itself is we are born, live, then die...
During this time in order to feel you have purpose in the world prior to death
a human needs to sustain the following:
What happens when your sanity is threatened
What happens when your food is contaminated or nonaccessible
What happens when your relationships are damages due to lack of communication
What happens when your health is damages due to neglect, deprivation, inaccessibility
What happens when you are blacklisted from employment
What happens when you are shackled from freedom or detained illegally
What happens when you are suppressed forcibly from expression
What happens when society is conned into believing fraudulent documentation
Did you know that annually atleast 65% of deaths are fraudently recorded.
The person never died of the actual cause of their death.
I won't say which country that is in due to exposure to legal persecution.
Let me explain stress...
Stress is the most COMMON cause of death.
Yes INDEED, it is.
Stress is caused by the following, and not limited to:
Forcible supression of natural intellectual state
Back Strain
Exposure to climate
Exposure to the "uncomfortable zone" (forced out of your personal comfort zone)
Rejection (excessive)
Reproductive Oppression
Parent-Child Ratio
Financial Difficulty
Guilt (inflicted guilt)
Subconscious conditioning (most common)
Internal Disfunction (many different aspects of)
Common wear and tear (mainly unecessary)
The human body grow in stages
Such as the following:
*Infant - Stage 1
*Adolescence - Stage 2
*Youth - Stage 3
*Adult - Stage 4
*Mature Adult - Stage 5
The human body endures at levels in contrast to capacity with growth under the circumstance of dependency.
*Stage 1 : No stress; complete dependency
*Stage 2: No stress; according to basic needs
*Stage 3: No stress; according to basic needs
*Stage 4:
You have now become an adult and are
naturally ready to marry and find a different form of love.
*Stage 5: Moving back into dependency
My point is this... Typically it's easy to get married and share in a stable relationship with a partner, correct?
When calculating the percentages of Marital relationships amongst certain groups, which population exhibits the lowest percentage of marital relationships?
Poor, impoverished, certain ethnic groups.
When we are born into a family we have exposure to safety, comfort, stability, which in turn equals success and less STRESS.
According to our age levels and puberty,
stress may be less likely to occur at high levels
within certain environments.
Prior to puberty stress is low because the youth or child is secure according to their needs and their needs are satisfied by their family. Your family is your support system.
When you take a young adult or adult stress is lower according to their needs which may be satisfied by a support system provided by a marital partner. They then are able to explore their sexual desires while experiencing the security of a family support system at the same time.
In some cultures the couple live with the family which provided extensive support systems and security in turn assuring success and happiness equal to an overall low stress level.
When certain families in impoverished situations are exposed constantly to the following:
Divorce due to JOB LOSS or INSTABILITY
Home Foreclosures
Rental Evictions
Bad Credit scores
false charges on background records
Barriers preventing a successful career
registering as offenders (really humiliating)
excessive persecution for unknown reasons
excessive tasks on a low ranking job
broken transportation
no transportation
no availability of business equipment
no access to education
no access to food or water
no access to sanitary environments etc.
this causes an extremely high rate of INSTABILITY.
these circumstances result in high STRESS LEVELS.
To conclude.
Our bodies , a male body and female body
were made and constructed to mate with one another.
Naturally, the body secretes hormones when interacting
within a secure relationship which LOWERS STRESS LEVELS.
Marriage in the adult stage of life is extremely crucial to the health
stability, and balance (marriage traditionally) of the human body.
When these things are ripped away from humans
people are exposed to traumatic circumstances resulting in the following:
Low self esteem
Unbalanced health overall
Most of the time humans don't even realise their brain is subconsciously
conditioning their body to yearn for promiscuity in order to feed the newly
acquired addition.
Really, all the human is doing is trying to release the suppressed, over stressed
body and they have not practiced the discipline or feel they have not the
strength or capacity to shun the temptation to get this "fix".
This stress leads to heart disease
This stress leads to migraines (which may need injections)
This stress leads to obesity
This stress leads to severe iron defficiency
This stress leads to eating disorders
This stress leads to hyperthyroidism
This stress leads to hypothyroidism
This stress leads to depression
This stress leads to misdiagnosed illnesses in turn
Causes patients to have bad reactions to the wrong drugs
This stress leads to internall malfunctioning
STRESS is highest in those impoverished areas.......
Anyway. Until next time.
The easiest way to conquer Stress is to stop RACISM.
Rachel SAKHI Attorney of NASA Journey to Poverello House
The Neverland Institute of Naturopathic Medicine (Distance Education University), Hal Jackson's Talented Teens, & Rachel SAKHI Attorney of NASA Journey to Poverello House
Number One Video: American History - The Obama's
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MAPPS - Mothers Against Preditory Pornographic Scout-Masters
- Ancient Times, Ancient Techniques. Modern Times, Modern Techniques.
- Blog Coming Soon - Topics & Evidence on Examples of how women, men, and children are stalked, harassed, isolated, kidnapped and traded in Human Trafficking for purposes of humiliation, degradation, racism, etc.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
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- The key to progress is love. The key to love is peace. The key to peace is worth. The key to worth is purpose. The key to purpose is aid. The key to aid is nurturing. The key to nurturing is security. The key to security is education. Let's give the gift of keys to unlock the promise of our nest eggs. Just like conception, what we fertilize today will reflect our nations character tomorrow. Eggheads Youth Coalition: http://www.eggheadsyouthcoalition.org Heritage: Culture: Ethnicity: Nationality: Racial Background:

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It is not my specialty at this time to diagnose and treat mental health problems, however, by nature I am inclined as a Preventative Care Physician, Addictions Counselor, Hypno Psychotherapist and patron of humanity to utilize my 20 years of experience for recognizing, administering, and facilitating rehabilitation where it is needed. The key to my services is whether or not an individual wants to change. If an individual wants change it makes my love for helping others a whole lot easier. There's nothing comparible to the rewards of serving others.
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- Just as I predicted in a post about a month ago...
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