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Friday, November 30, 2007

MEDIUM CLIENTS - Yeah, yeah. I'm genuine. No need for a fancy fake website.

It actually gets on my nerves.
However sharing is caring.
So is paying the bills. I have lots of them too.



Telepathy does not grow on trees.
Neither does Medical, Scientific, and those oh so common aspects of
life the nosy people can't help living without.


It would be cute to sit with Sylvia Brown for a couple minutes.
That would be...weird. I can't believe she charges $750.00 for a "psychic"
reading. No offense, but I don't believe in psychics.


There is however, the physics of the mind which operates in combination
with the human body's energy. Such as pheramones, testosterone, etc. This
is commonly referred to as Spirit. It's actually existent.

The energy people often refer to as reincarnation is in actuality the spirit/aura/intellect of the human species which is mostly known as personality.
The personality lingers in the body. A body, and may reincarnate into another.
This process is known or punly referred to as...nevermind. The Diary can wait for that explanation.

Metaphysics, and psychometry or the process of osmosis incorporates into one another to asist in the understanding of how we operate and communicate. Not only with our own species, but the potential access to communicating or translating in a simple manner the language of other species.

MY MEDIUM CLIENTS SHALL HAVE A MEETING. I'm not sure what else to call it. It's not a reading. It does not take 2 minutes and it is a PRIVILEGE.


The basis of the process is utilized strictly for Scientific Research, however I don't mind sharing if you are able to afford the truth.


Meetings don't grow on trees and the range is as follows:

According to what I feel like doing basicly.
I'm not an idiot.
What I have, you want.

So throw your jealousy aside. It will get you absolutely no where.
I'm not anyone's competitor, this is a gift I am extending for a purpose.

The gift serves a purpose. It's not a shirt by the most popular fashion designer.
Frankly, from what I've seen uh, Everyone of them is pretty much 85% fake.

Here's the deal.
When a Football player gets drafted and signs a contract.
He receives what class? Compensation. Why? He works for a living.
Then utilizes his gift to support his wife, children, family and friends.
As well as pay his bills big and small.

THe only thing a jealous person will gain from sabotaging his gift, is
the fact that they are adding to economic slump. Especially if he's massively lucrative for their economy.

So sit and think on the subject before trying to sabotage any further.
It's gonna get you as a citizen no where but adding to economic slump.
Give yourself credit for decreasing the value of your country's worth by
allowing your jealousy to overcome you.

Okay. I know I'm good there fore my rates start at:

$5,000.00 - $10,000.00 USD.

Also remember I'm a humanitarian therefore people will get most of the money
I'll be blessed with.


Next. More complicated situations and scientific discoveries:

$10,000,000.00 - $35,000,000.00 Uh, no. It's not a joke.

I like big toys, and work hard. Don't mind paying the bills. It's a stress reliever actually. Just gotta get those jealous monkeys off my back.


And on a more simple note: Regular Clients - with little inquiries.
$1,000.00 - 2,500.00


Don't get thoughts of kidnapping in your head either.
Just let me make my money. Uncle Sam will be proud.

Telepathy with the fetus in the Uterus. You'll require the only EXPERT in the WORLD. Utilizing Nuero-linguistic Programming. Alongside Proposals

from the Madly Insane Scientist! I'll bet it's hard for you to figure out the difference between my hobbies, interests, and job.

I feel the same. No worries. My life is like a great big medley soup.
I try not to let it bother me. So please do me a favor, don't let it baffle you into
a state of insanity. Just enjoy the ride.

Excuse Me Mister, Will You Marry Me? (British)

Excuse Me Mister,
I want to know you
to show you, show you, show you
To really, really show you-
How good we'd be together
How good we'd be together

Treat ya like a King forever
Like a King forever-
And the story goes this way...-

I saw your picture the other day
and your single so they say,

staring became my hobby, I have to admit.
Then I heard your voice, and couldn't keep it together

You're extraordinarily smart, when can we meet?-
I really want to know you

your charm makes my heart beat.
Faster, faster, faster.

You knock me off my
off my feet,
completely off my feet.

I'm gonna say a prayer tonight
God guide this match in which I plea,
specifically for matrimony

Loyalty is
is my
is my specialty,

Make him sign his name across my heart, o f f i c i a l l y.--

I am a bit shy when it comes to meeting guys
However your sophistication and profile transliteration
equals sincere libido aggravation of my, my constellation
Gemini, I, I, I... I want to know you--

Take me Sir on a magic ride
I'm not exactly keen, here is where you may teach me how to slide
And rotate your carpet like majesty
Oh, please, please, please
I want to sit atop of your, your royalty.

I pro miss to obey
I pro miss to abide
I want to know you,
I may be falling for you.--

To show you, show you, show you
what a good wife I'd be,
when can we meet.--

Excuse Mister,
You and I together equals to grandeur royalty
we shall learn from one another the blessings of Empathy
I serve you like my second god, Your Majesty.

You encourage efforts of IQ and compliment good
quality in your personality
makes me humble, makes me feel so pretty.

Our contributions to society
makes for true legacyYour and mine, family devine, is an Embassy.--

want to know youto really, really, show you
How good we'd be together
Sh-show you, show you, show you
what a good wife I'd be
Wh-what a good wife I'd be--

Lonely without you, lonesome me
with an oath however
loyal to you, foreverI'll be--

My soul & yours will merge, completely
Friend for all eternity,
substance, security, decree of longevity

In your vows you'll promiss me
protection and sobriety
chastity; love for diversity
no arguments, endurance
monetarily; results of disparity
no severity; patience
only prosperity, leniency in you judging me
foundation built on monogamy
victory ours, for the world to see.--

I, I want to show you, when can we meet.
what a good wife I'd be.
I'm feeling strongly for you.
Can this truly be?

I'm really hard to please
However, you struck a nerve indeed.-

Excuse Me Mister. . . Will you Marry Me?

Copyright 2007. Rachel G. AlShehari

What's in your Christmas stocking 2007? or Uterus.

Who's the cutest,
most fuzziest
little munchkin stroodle pop
in mommy's uterus?

You're the cutest little
munchkin pumpkin
in the whole wide world.

Yes, you are!

Little precious darling.
The little teeny tiny yleggs.
The little teeny tiny tyoes.

and the little itsy byisty fingers.

You're mommy's little baby,
yes you are.



I'm gonna go to a land far far away

where I can trust again

where there's a brighter day

days of happiness

days of glory

where people are human

children are safe and can play

no robbers,

no cheaters,

no molesters,

no beaters

Love and joy, no fear.

Faith forcefully supressed, finally revealed.

Trust and love and hope and unity

is the doctrine of my charter,

harmony; articles of my entity

The texture of my hair will not,

does not,

and will never make me...

It's my C O M P E T E N C Y

of character, indeed.

As well as honesty.

I'm gonna go to a land far far away

In my dreams I'll go without further delay

to be happy and loved and filled with victory

By folk who never lie,

see no color,

no backbiters,

have no evil eyes.

Where love surrond me and my family

absolutely no, no hypo-crisy

(BTW) By the way - Strictly anti-slavery

Ultimate Triumph

Like Martin, Ghandi, Roosevelt, and Kennedy you see.

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound they say

that saved a wretch like me

somewhere along the way

I was once lost

but now it's history

Don't give yourself kudos for my slavery

then criminally penalize me

don't try to buy me out with your classic personality

twas grace that brought me home

out of my misery

Piety is the true Hero in this story.

I'm gonna go to a land far far away

where I can trust again

where there's a brighter, days of happiness

days of glory

where people are human

children are safe and can play

No robbers

No cheaters

No molesters

No beaters

Love and joy, no fear

Faith forcefully supressed,

finally revealed

Old fashioned days and romantic gestures, gone like the wind

emotional journeys and love chests of treasures

In my dreams I'll go, in the land afar

guys telling no lies, no tricks, and no cheating

saying I love you has Absolute non-fictional meaning

wives are women, Queens, real and equal human beings

No in-laws throwing ties to kids into the garbage

lovers taught to disown offspring

credits to the glitch of multi-racial heritage

or they'll lose their cultural and monetary inheritance.

I'm not gonna sell my Faith or my family

my body, my potential or my sanity

My bloodlines, good, good and bad journeys

are exactly what

what has made me.

Am I a martyr, no.

Listen closely.

This is the ingredient

main recipe for humanity

Individuals with capacity

intellect to exercise and uphold their dignity.

I'm gonna go to a land far far away

where I can trust again

where there's a brighter day

days of happiness, days of glory

where people are human

children are safe and can play

No robbers,

No cheaters,

No molesters,

No beaters.

Love and joy, no fear

Faith forcefully supressed, finally revealed.

In my dreams no threats, no more secret bribes.

Next time making me an outcast, crosses your mind

betta keep your day job, cause your ancient techniques

aren't entertaining to the self-aware imperfect unbiased humans in my tribes.

I'm gonna go to a land far far away

in my dreams I'll go without further delay

Family and love and joy and bliss and justice

when we walk, we talk the truth, acknowledged communication,

equal education.

No tears, no fears,

unified world exploration

no bombing, no kidnapping

no pain, no greed

no war, no genocide

Faithfilled promisses holding strong everyday for sure.

No framed minority parents or celebrities

and children enslaved to injustice,

according to their societal indebtedness.

Terrorism by the system,

and their accomplices

give citizens a break to regain their trust in.

In my dreams is where my secret lies

all I have is love, trust, Faith, and fear in God

never no, no evil demise.

Greatful for what I have

after all that you take

my spirit will just grow stronger

after all that you make

even if your blessings come from demoting my Faith.

God is my prince charming of whom my hand He'll take.

copyright 2007. Revolution. Dr. Rachel G. Al-Shehari - EPIC RECORDS coming soon!


Reach for the moon, and you're bound to catch a star.

Our dreams are as real as the stars that brighten our night. Reality.

- Dr. Rachel G. Al-Shehari

NEVERLAND(tm): (Brand Name: patents, trademarks, copyrights owned by Rachel SAKHI 1277a.d.

HAM: The Root of My Tree

R Sakhi's Podcast

YWMA -Young Women's Muslim Association

YWMA -Young Women's Muslim Association
Teaching Unity, Diversity, Diplomacy & Intelligence to last a lifetime. Founded - Parson Dr. Rachel Al-Shehari

eChaplain Weddings

eChaplain Weddings
Chaplain Dr. Rachel SAKHI سخی©








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About Me

The key to progress is love. The key to love is peace. The key to peace is worth. The key to worth is purpose. The key to purpose is aid. The key to aid is nurturing. The key to nurturing is security. The key to security is education. Let's give the gift of keys to unlock the promise of our nest eggs. Just like conception, what we fertilize today will reflect our nations character tomorrow. Eggheads Youth Coalition: http://www.eggheadsyouthcoalition.org Heritage: Culture: Ethnicity: Nationality: Racial Background:



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